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Intellectual Property for Innovations Workshop

Location: Online

IP for Innovation Workshops are funded through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funded programme Low Carbon Solent ( This intellectual property workshop is designed to help you explore the process of patenting new ideas – what is patentable, why patent protection is important, how to secure protection and the importance of considering these questions early on in any technology venture. 

These virtual sessions are brought to you by Maucher Jenkins, Patent and Trademark attorneys based in Farnham. For more information on Maucher Jenkins, please click here

Workshop Information

This workshop will be held over two sessions:

  • Session 1: 2nd November at 9:30 - 10:30

  • Session 2: 9th November at 9:30 - 10:30

The first workshop will also discuss trade secrets and the choice between trying to patent and trying to maintain a secret – what can be considered a trade secret and what steps need to be put in place to maintain confidentiality in ideas and valued information. 

The second workshop will look in more depth at a case study of technology patented in the Green Energy sector, and typical development of a patent portfolio for a start-up technology company.  It will also explain the Patent Box scheme for reduced corporation tax for patented technology.

There will be ample scope in each workshop to explore the experiences and impressions participants may have from engaging with the world of patents, as well as trademarks and copyright.  Follow-up sessions can be arranged to discuss confidential topics.

Who is it for?

This workshop is for Low Carbon Solent project members only and is focused on developing clean and green business innovation. Only one delegate can attend per organisation. To become a Low Carbon Solent member and get access to the workshop, please email 

How do we get this amazing support for free?

With funding from the European Regional Development Fund we are able to provide these workshops free of charge to businesses.

Anything Else?

We’ll send out instructions on how to join the Zoom event to all delegates a few days before

the first session.

To register please sign up below, please note that places on the workshop are limited and so book soon to avoid disappointment.

Earlier Event: October 28
The Big Sustainability Expo
Later Event: November 9
Start Your Journey To Net Zero